so like. furries. amirite? fursonas specifically (and sonas in general) are strange. but in a good way.
online sonas can be alot of things, but typically, they always share in common one thing: they heavily reflect the person who made the sona. whether the character is made to represent who they realistically are, or whether its who the creator of said sona wants to be, a sona is still at the end of the day meant to represent the person who made it.
personally, ive always expressed myself online through some kind of a sona. if i ever had my irl face as a profile picture, it was set by my parents, and not me. ever since i started using the internet, i never wanted to be seen as regular ol human Aubrey from Canada, Ontario Orangeville. everyone at school already sees me as a random weird human kid who annoyed them about sonic way too much! (i had to be banned from sonic for a month straight once.)
i wanted to insert myself into my favorite worlds and apply my favorite tropes that i had related to onto my character! i wanted to be a portal 2 personality sphere working to make new test chambers, i wanted to be an enderman living in an end city, a generic hoodied character living on floating islands, or maybe a hoodied cat! (GHC is not my sona anymore.) and more recently, a magical, living, plushie pony unicorn! not be a boring human person too scared to express themself!
i remember i used to constantly semi-roleplay as my portal-sona when i was younger with my online friends. it was so easy back then, and alot of fun! i didnt refer to my hands as hands, i had handles! i used a management rail to get around and when it comes to eating..!! ...ok i never figured out how to semi rp the eating part. STILL! i used to love doing this. i literally WANTED to be this sona character! and to have people see me as that character! heck, making sonas has even taught me things about myself i didnt entirely know beforehand.
however, as the years went on, cringe culture came and went... then came again, and has been here since. i got too scared to do ANY kind of RP. i didnt want to be judged and seen as cringe because i was just trying to have fun representing myself online. im trying to get back into it again now, referring to my hands as hooves and such online. cringe but free and all that. but it is a tad difficult ngl.
ill be real i prefer my current sona over my irl self. i feel like i can be more authentically me when drawing and referring to myself as a silly pony character. which sounds... well. silly. but the truth is i dont express myself very well at all irl. i want to, but i dont have the confidence. i feel a need to stay within others expectations of me, rather than just being me. i know im not my sona irl. im just a random human person irl. but for the time being, as i always have done, ill continue to represent myself in a way that makes me happy online while i wait for myself to be confident enough to be myself irl too.
anyways this whole blog post was a lie. i AM infact a plushie unicorn pony irl. and i am NOT a human! now leave and look away before i use my HOOVES to press delete on this page!! >c<